(0) comments1 year ago today
I think the title says it all?
Probably update later tonight with more. RHPS tomorrow!
(0) commentsNot a bad weekend. Did some stuff with people.. good times. If I could remember what I did friday night, I would tell you, but.. I don't. Maybe somebody will read this and tell me and i'll edit it later.
Saturday I hung out at Quinn's for a while with him and Sara and Davey and Talon.. Sara ditched us and we went to Xander's out of sheer boredom.. Astred was there watching Black Sunday.. Quinn didn't want to watch that so we turned it off. Tiffany came with Michelle and she showed her some scene from Kate & Leopold, so everybody started watching that, then Tiffany and Michelle both had to leave a short time after we started.. Talon left too, seperately, though. We got about halfway through the movie when Diana came.. Gemma had gotten back from Allstate and so she and Sammy decided to hang out.. we went to Revelations and met up with Nandi, Jenny, Andrew, his cousin, and.. well, other people.
Today I was going to hang out with Quinn again more than likely, but Kelsey invited me over to her house.. we just hung out for a while.. had to take Kia on a walk.. it was cold (I left my jacket at someones house! grr.. if you find it.. tell me. Its the blue/yellow one), but blankets are warm..
Creepy stalker girl had her friend call me and ask me if I wanted to go to a movie with a bunch of people I don't know, and "maybe Evan Newman." It sounded so great that I had to lie and say I had plans (which I didn't at the time), so.. that sucks. I hope I never have to talk to her.. like.. ever. Shes really creepy.
(0) commentsMy name's Buck, and I'm here to fuck.
Went up to Ottomwa with Jed, Quinn, Corey, and Jed's brother today. Thought we were going to Iowa City, as did Quinn, but.. turns out not to be so.
We watched Kill Bill first. It was pure style, had some great parts, great action.. the dialogue and story were a bit weak, but.. the overall coolness of it made up for the lackingness. I hear Volume 2 will have more substance, so.. yay.
Later, we split up into two groups.. Jed and his brother went to School of Rock, and the rest of us went to see the new Coen Brothers movie, Intolerable Cruelty. It was also awesome.. so quirky and funny.. Clooney had a great performance, as did Zeta-Jones.. and the rest of the cast.
That's about it that happened.. Jed seemed in a bad mood on the way back, don't know why.. it probably sounded like we were attacking him when we told them we were looking for them for 10 minutes after we had gotten out of the theater (their movie got out before ours).
My mom gets home tomorrow, but I also go back to my dad's tomorrow, so that's like a transition back into my mom being here.. I just realized I should probably clean my room and take the garbage out and such.. dammit.
I remember how you used to smile, and how you used to try
Well.. today was awsome.
So last night I was with people till around 12 just talking and such, and we made plans to come over here sometime in the morning.. so Quinn, Jenny, and Gemma came sometime between 11 and 1, can't remember when, exactly.. but.. We just sat around and talked and such, just very mellow and such.. then Sam, Collin, and Evan showed up. They are.. not so mellow. Sam was talking about geek stuff, and he kind of excluded Jenny and Gemma from the conversation unknowingly, so I felt kind of bad for them. Then quinn went outside for like a minute and im thinking "dammit.. this isnt working." then he came back in and said "do you guys want to go out on a walk or something?" and we all went outside and Sam, collin, and evan left while we were walking in the field..
We ended up going on the trail near my house, and it eventually leads to the train wreck. So we went there and hung out for a bit.. really nice and peaceful and all.. then we eventually found ourselves in a really nice field.. we all layed down on each other and just relaxed for a while.. then Nandi called and we walked back to my house and picked her up and went to Gemma's to eat. We did so, and while we were there, we got a call from Andrew saying he was coming over. Gemma and Quinn said he sounded shaken up on the phone.
When he got there, he didn't really seem entirely together, and Gemma went up to him and hugged him and he told her, and eventually the rest of us, that his brother had commited suicide this morning. I didn't know John at all, and I think I only met him once, and not formally. I've never had any deaths close to me, so I don't really know how to deal with it. Andrew seemed pretty okay about all of it. John was depressed and had attempted suicide several times before, so andrew was half expecting it anyway, and wasn't very close to him. He was just happy for him that he was out of his pain now. Well we talked about John for a while, and eventually got off the subject onto lighter things; just what andrew had wanted. He wanted to get out of the house and not be in the atmosphere for a while. So we made him feel better. Which is really all we could have hoped to do.
Afterwards, andrew left and went home to be with his family again. Gemma, Jenny, and Nandi were going to make a "15 minute apperance" at Jesse's party (favor for Sammy, I suppose, as none of them really like him). Jed and Tiffany showed up while they were out and we were waiting for them to get back, but then Gemma's family had to leave so we went outside to the cars and realized it was 7:30 and improv started at 8, so we went there. Davey, Talon, and Evan showed up eventually. The show was pretty good, though Evan and Davey were being disruptive audience members so that probably pissed them off. On the upside, we got them to make fun of Quinn more. My personal favorite: "Quinn is a terrible lay."
Well Gemma, Jenny, Nandi, Michelle, Sara, and Tiffany showed up like an hour into the show, not too soon before it ended.. so afterwards we all went to Morningstar to see if we could get into the concert thing there, but it cost money so we all just ended up on the square. Chris Poole, Jim, Sable, and Sam K. were there and were.. not being too much fun to be around. Everyone decided to leave eventually (but not before Collin bought me some kickass ice cream from Breadeux). We ended up going to my house, but we picked up Astred first.. we pretty much seperated into 3 groups.. One in my room, one in my brother's room, and one in the living room. Davey and Talon were in the living room, and the other two groups switched people every once in a while.
It was okay, except that we never ended up actually talking about stuff. Too much chaos. Lots of people. I just realized how borning this would be fore someone who doesn't know all these people. I stated like 20 names in here.. oh well. Anyway.. not much talking about stuff, but.. fun enough.
Overall overview of the day? Good. Especially because we helped Andrew feel better.. even if for only a while. The walk with people was the best part.. small numbers, great scenery, good conversation, good company, good times...
I have to mow the lawn and my grandpa's early tomorrow morning (around 10ish) so I can go to Iowa City with Quinn, Corey, and Jed to see Kill Bill and School of Rock.. That'll be fun.
(0) commentsYou're just somebody that I used to know
Sam. Gregory. Jim. Xander. Collin.
See a trend?
Sorry, man. Don't really have much to say about it. I saw it coming and I saw it going, but I didn't want to say anything because it would sound like I was being bitter.
Just don't think less of it because it wasn't the longest in the world. What you took from it was more than likely equal to what one takes from one much longer. It's something unfortunate which everybody would have wanted to work out, but couldn't for two obvious reasons. And you all know their names.
I just hope you don't have as hard a time with it as you are entitled to. Hope your life is back together sooner than later.
I'll update with stuff about me later.
(0) commentsCurious
Who actually reads my journal? I hear there are a lot.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while
..wasn't it?
I just heard about Alex and Cynthia. I wish I could describe in words how much I feel for him. For them, even. I don't know how she feels about it, all I have is his perspective right now, but.. wow. They were engaged. I never knew them apart. Ever since I met Cynthia she was with Alex, and Alex with Cynthia.. I mean, this is his life. Real life. It had never been a possibility in my mind that they wouldn't be together.
..I'm so sorry.
(0) commentsI could tell from the minute I woke up it was going to be a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely day
Tonight totally ruled.
I went to improv tryouts just because it was my last resort pick.. I did pretty good, I think. Or at least my group did. Ours was the best out of all of them.. Goldilocks rambo style.. good times.
After, I went to Quinn's house and watched Full Metal Panic eps. 1 and 2, then we went over to Gemma's. I was supposed to go to Troy Banner, but I completely forgot it was TB week. Anyway.. Astred, Jenny, and Nandi were there too.. we played some mao, Astred and Nandi eft, then just talked. Till 10:40. Just about stuff. Interesting stuff. It ruled. And it was raining.
I again forgot to ask Jim for a ride, so I'm going to have to take the bus again tomorrow.. and wake up at 6:30. And most likely fall back asleep. And hope that I reset my alarm for 7 right before I do.. Grr..
(0) commentsBut when we rise it's like strawberry fields
Even if I have a really great night, I always end up feeling shitty at the end of it. Maybe i just can't handle coming down from a high or something, I don't know...
Last night was cool. I was bored as hell but I decided to show up at Lance's late anyway. I got there at 7 (party started at 6), and it was only Lance, Erin, and Jessica. As I walked in, they said "..we're the only ones here," and I just think to myself "oh FUCK...." because of the obvious. Well they were just about to leave and get food for Lance, so I assume that I would be sitting in Lance's room alone until they get back, but as they start going, Lance asked me if I was going with, and I said "I don't know, am I?" and Erin said "Yeah, come on." I was a bit bewildered... she even laughed at some of my jokes. Well she ended up being normal(ish) towards me, as did Jessica and Lance. Well when we got back, Collin was there. Then we just sat around. For 2 hours. Nobody showed up until about 10. Even then, it was only one person, and the others came about half an hour later.
The party didn't really get started till about 10:30 or so, when we all went up and danced. Ann, Quinn, Diana (i think), and I went to get glowsticks.. We went to Hy-vee (Ann had gone to walmart and drugtown before and they were both closed), and we desperately asked if they had glowsticks. The guy said no, but we went to look anyway. We wound up in the halloween section, and low and behold, they had glowsticks for some reason. Well.. they were exactly like glowsticks, except for the fact that they were only 4 inches long. And the same price as normal ones.
Well we went back and people danced and such.. fog machine, blacklight, strobelight, (shitty) techo and house/trance, glowsticks.. mini rave. Except in Lance's tiny room. A bunch of people showed up eventually and stuff was cool.. Noel is a lot cooler than people give her credit for.. anyway, it was good because it was more personal than most things that I do nowadays.. people actually talked to each other instead of to a group, which was cool.. Eventually everyone stopped dancing and we went downstairs. I got tired of Lance's psychic/astrology/lanceness bullshit so I went outside and found Diana and Quinn who were like a block away and talked with them for a bit.. Carrie showed up with the three of us eventually and we talked for a while.. that was cool, nice and personal like I like it.. Eventually around 5, I went home and was on the computer for a bit before I got bored as shit and went to bed..
here's a picture of a man juggling in a silly hat for you, so you don't get too bored with all the text
UPS man came at 9 and woke me up.. I was in a nice sleep and I wake up to my door being knocked on, I have to do the following: think, find something quick to wear, run to the door, all while still being asleep.. Well I somehow was awake enough to coherantly sign my name on the guy's pad and took the speakers inside. I got back in bed and slept till about 1.. when I woke up I had lost all recolection of where I had put the box (in the hallway).. well, I got my kickass speakers which are.. well.. kickass. And my old ones were just awful. Finally my mom can't use the excuse that I can't listen to my music loudly on "such horrible speakers." She'll find some other way to make me listen to my music really softly..
I went to Quinn's at about 1:30 and met up with Him, Gemma, Sara, Diana, and Astred.. we went to 2nd street and eventually to the square.. that was cool. Quinn was being his normal bitch-self, "why the fuck are we going to the coffee house?" "God this sucks" etc.. then on the square we found Davey and Talon who both added more and more of the Quinn-attitude, but not too much.. we went to Gemmas where Jenny joined us, and eventually went to the high school to get ready for the play.
Sam got all pissed off at me for not liking the play and tried to confront me on in saying "well what do you have to say for yourself?" and I had no idea what he was talking about, so I gave him a strange look, and he said "about you thinking the play sucks" and I said "...it does." and walked off. I rushed my lines and had terrible interpretation, but only messed up twice, and they were both really small and one time Sara covered for me well.. When I was trying to take my old-age makeup off afterwards, there was only one makeup wipe left and Evan Newman and I were both going for it, and he barely has any makeup, and my entire face is smothered in it, and I told him that I needed it because I had a ton of makeup and hes like "too bad" and took it. I just gave him a "wtf" look and got a box of tissues to scrub my face with.
Went to Tiffany's afterwards.. Mostly cool people there.. we fucked around and did stupid things (wrestling, some stupid game) which didn't leave me in that good of a mood because I acted like an idiot during, and I don't like that. That's one thing I hate about big groups.. how I act when I'm in them.. I don't think Jenny likes me too much, and I just think that it's because I only see her when Im in big groups, and I don't act like myself in big groups.. Gar....
I got home in an okay mood, mentally slapping myself because Jim was also giving Jenny a ride home and just feeling like an idiot towards her. I got in and there was a message on the machine for me and i checked it and it was my mom being all pissed off that i "hadn't called" even though I called her at 8 and left a message with someone at the house she was staying at.. She said she was "getting worried" because she hadn't heard from me and it was like 10:00.. I just said "fuck you" and turned the message off.. I just get really pissed off when she says anything like that.. well, I was pissed of at myself and at her, so by the time I got onto the computer, I wasn't in too good of a mood.. now I'm bored, wishing I had someone who wanted to hang out with me, and my contact is bothering me.
(0) commentsWhy can't Helen Keller drive?
...because she's a woman.
I couldn't think of a title, so I started it off with a joke.
Eh, I haven't updated in a bit simply because nothing has happened. Nothing changed, I'm not feeling anything that I haven't already posted on here. And I'm not simply going to describe my weekend (which sucked).
The play is still awful. Less, now, but.. we're opening tomorrow night. About 2 weeks early. We're still got a lot to tighten up.
The new $20s come out today. They're colored. COLORED MONEY! In the US! :D
Well, I've got to go to school.
(0) commentsA wise man once said.. "stfu"
There. Jesus, Evan. I updated. Happy?
(0) commentsHappy birthday to..
..fuck you.
(0) commentsAnd be forever with my poison arms around you
Well.. I never thought I'd say this (wanting to be Mr. Nice-broken-up-with), but.. god.. Erin is such a bitch.
Well, last night she said she never wanted to talk to me again. Thats fine. Her decision. But today Quinn, Talon, and I wanted to go to Tiffany's to hang out with people, and Erin had already told Gemma or whoever that she didn't want me coming. Well too fucking bad for you. If you don't want to be around me, don't be, but it's your problem. You can leave somewhere if my company is so terrible, but don't try to make it so I can't be there. It's your problem, you deal with it.
When we got there, neither Tiffany or Austred (the people's house we were going to) were there yet, so we just waited around outside. Then Erin started to drive up and saw me there and just left and came back like 10 minutes later and went into the house without permission and shut us all out. Carrie used one of those washable paint markers that people always tack up "HOMECOMING! SCHOL RULEZ!! SENIORS!" on their winshields with and wrote goatse on the back of Erin's winshield, and Quinn went in to tell her to check out her winshield because hes just that sadistic, and she came out screaming "don't touch my fucking car!!" without even caring what anyone had done to it, then rambled on about how she had to take the extra effort to go in and get paper towels to wash it off. Heard later that she insulted Carrie for doing it - who she in no way should have a problem with.
When Quinn tried to go in they kicked him out, even though Austred had gotten there and was outside with us. How civil of you. Well, eventually, Quinn, that magnificent bastard, finally went inside, and she was like "You're fine, but don't let Gregory in" and just as she had said that, I was walking up to the door and Quinn opened it wide and went "Gregory! Come in!"
Well Erin and Jessica went downstairs along with Jenny (huh?) and everyone else just stayed upstairs and talked about stuff. I was going to go down with people, but they decided to stay upstairs. Anyway.. we went to Gemma's so she could tape Smallville and came right back, but I left because it would have fucking sucked being there anyway, because nobody was talking. Well it would have if i hadn't left. Guessing it's fun now that I'm not there. Such a comfort to know your lack of presence makes others feel so much happier.
Well, we're all going up to IA City tomorrow, so.. that'll be interesting. As it is, they've got us in seperate cars though, heh. I was almost considering not going, but then I realized the only reason I thought that is because it wouldn't make her comfortable, and realized that I don't care.
God the play sucks.