


I remember how you used to smile, and how you used to try

Well.. today was awsome.

So last night I was with people till around 12 just talking and such, and we made plans to come over here sometime in the morning.. so Quinn, Jenny, and Gemma came sometime between 11 and 1, can't remember when, exactly.. but.. We just sat around and talked and such, just very mellow and such.. then Sam, Collin, and Evan showed up. They are.. not so mellow. Sam was talking about geek stuff, and he kind of excluded Jenny and Gemma from the conversation unknowingly, so I felt kind of bad for them. Then quinn went outside for like a minute and im thinking "dammit.. this isnt working." then he came back in and said "do you guys want to go out on a walk or something?" and we all went outside and Sam, collin, and evan left while we were walking in the field..

We ended up going on the trail near my house, and it eventually leads to the train wreck. So we went there and hung out for a bit.. really nice and peaceful and all.. then we eventually found ourselves in a really nice field.. we all layed down on each other and just relaxed for a while.. then Nandi called and we walked back to my house and picked her up and went to Gemma's to eat. We did so, and while we were there, we got a call from Andrew saying he was coming over. Gemma and Quinn said he sounded shaken up on the phone.

When he got there, he didn't really seem entirely together, and Gemma went up to him and hugged him and he told her, and eventually the rest of us, that his brother had commited suicide this morning. I didn't know John at all, and I think I only met him once, and not formally. I've never had any deaths close to me, so I don't really know how to deal with it. Andrew seemed pretty okay about all of it. John was depressed and had attempted suicide several times before, so andrew was half expecting it anyway, and wasn't very close to him. He was just happy for him that he was out of his pain now. Well we talked about John for a while, and eventually got off the subject onto lighter things; just what andrew had wanted. He wanted to get out of the house and not be in the atmosphere for a while. So we made him feel better. Which is really all we could have hoped to do.

Afterwards, andrew left and went home to be with his family again. Gemma, Jenny, and Nandi were going to make a "15 minute apperance" at Jesse's party (favor for Sammy, I suppose, as none of them really like him). Jed and Tiffany showed up while they were out and we were waiting for them to get back, but then Gemma's family had to leave so we went outside to the cars and realized it was 7:30 and improv started at 8, so we went there. Davey, Talon, and Evan showed up eventually. The show was pretty good, though Evan and Davey were being disruptive audience members so that probably pissed them off. On the upside, we got them to make fun of Quinn more. My personal favorite: "Quinn is a terrible lay."

Well Gemma, Jenny, Nandi, Michelle, Sara, and Tiffany showed up like an hour into the show, not too soon before it ended.. so afterwards we all went to Morningstar to see if we could get into the concert thing there, but it cost money so we all just ended up on the square. Chris Poole, Jim, Sable, and Sam K. were there and were.. not being too much fun to be around. Everyone decided to leave eventually (but not before Collin bought me some kickass ice cream from Breadeux). We ended up going to my house, but we picked up Astred first.. we pretty much seperated into 3 groups.. One in my room, one in my brother's room, and one in the living room. Davey and Talon were in the living room, and the other two groups switched people every once in a while.

It was okay, except that we never ended up actually talking about stuff. Too much chaos. Lots of people. I just realized how borning this would be fore someone who doesn't know all these people. I stated like 20 names in here.. oh well. Anyway.. not much talking about stuff, but.. fun enough.

Overall overview of the day? Good. Especially because we helped Andrew feel better.. even if for only a while. The walk with people was the best part.. small numbers, great scenery, good conversation, good company, good times...

I have to mow the lawn and my grandpa's early tomorrow morning (around 10ish) so I can go to Iowa City with Quinn, Corey, and Jed to see Kill Bill and School of Rock.. That'll be fun.
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