And be forever with my poison arms around you
Well.. I never thought I'd say this (wanting to be Mr. Nice-broken-up-with), but.. god.. Erin is such a bitch.
Well, last night she said she never wanted to talk to me again. Thats fine. Her decision. But today Quinn, Talon, and I wanted to go to Tiffany's to hang out with people, and Erin had already told Gemma or whoever that she didn't want me coming. Well too fucking bad for you. If you don't want to be around me, don't be, but it's your problem. You can leave somewhere if my company is so terrible, but don't try to make it so I can't be there. It's your problem, you deal with it.
When we got there, neither Tiffany or Austred (the people's house we were going to) were there yet, so we just waited around outside. Then Erin started to drive up and saw me there and just left and came back like 10 minutes later and went into the house without permission and shut us all out. Carrie used one of those washable paint markers that people always tack up "HOMECOMING! SCHOL RULEZ!! SENIORS!" on their winshields with and wrote goatse on the back of Erin's winshield, and Quinn went in to tell her to check out her winshield because hes just that sadistic, and she came out screaming "don't touch my fucking car!!" without even caring what anyone had done to it, then rambled on about how she had to take the extra effort to go in and get paper towels to wash it off. Heard later that she insulted Carrie for doing it - who she in no way should have a problem with.
When Quinn tried to go in they kicked him out, even though Austred had gotten there and was outside with us. How civil of you. Well, eventually, Quinn, that magnificent bastard, finally went inside, and she was like "You're fine, but don't let Gregory in" and just as she had said that, I was walking up to the door and Quinn opened it wide and went "Gregory! Come in!"
Well Erin and Jessica went downstairs along with Jenny (huh?) and everyone else just stayed upstairs and talked about stuff. I was going to go down with people, but they decided to stay upstairs. Anyway.. we went to Gemma's so she could tape Smallville and came right back, but I left because it would have fucking sucked being there anyway, because nobody was talking. Well it would have if i hadn't left. Guessing it's fun now that I'm not there. Such a comfort to know your lack of presence makes others feel so much happier.
Well, we're all going up to IA City tomorrow, so.. that'll be interesting. As it is, they've got us in seperate cars though, heh. I was almost considering not going, but then I realized the only reason I thought that is because it wouldn't make her comfortable, and realized that I don't care.
God the play sucks.
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