(0) commentsEarth, Fire, Wind, Water, HEART!
Bleeh.. lifes boring. Remember when we all used to get together all the time and have fun? Wasn't that cool? We don't do that anymore. Whats with that? Or maybe we do and I'm just never invited :/
(0) commentsOMG guys! I'm gonna go post about prom in my LJ!!
Well, I'm bored, and I want to keep myself from going and getting more Teddy Grahams, because.. well, I'm not hungry.
First and foremost, what the FUCK Rodney? I mean, honestly.. all your "we really need to pick this up" crap is getting to me. How are we supposed to work without a script or without casting? As much as I really, really want to do this... it doesn't look like we'll come out with something great. We only have 5 weeks to put this together, and... I'm not sure if we can. Luckily, nearly everyone in the group at this point is really strong (although I don't like Isaac's voice much)..
So our major setback right now is that we don't have any older males. We need two parts filled, and nobody seems to be available. We had one guy in yesterday, but apparently he can't do it now.. I understand why Rodney doesn't want to act in it, but.. Honestly, I think it's one of the only real solutions. We can more than likely secure one older male from the community, but.. two? At this point, I just don't know.
I really dig the One Act part (although I wish it could get moving)... we're doing Charly's Aunt, which seems to be really hilarious and.. well, I like it. I'm kind of into The Fall.. although I don't see how it will be anything more than just another choral reading-type piece, the way it seems to be going. I'm into the choral reading aspect too, but.. I wish Rodney would do a bit more broad work on it, instead of focusing on this one poem for so long... One of the reasons i'm looking foreward to the One Act so much is that I guess I have a pretty good chance of being cast as Jack. I mean, even Rodney (referring to the fact that Hosbond couldn't play and older man) said "and you're not old enough to play his father," pointing to me.. and he's always had me read for Jack but once.. So.. hopefully something'll work out there.
Prom.. well, the night sort of sucked? Kind of. I had fun enough, for most of it... once I had met up with everyone, we went out to Sara's.. the music was too loud, and we were arriving just as everything was ending. Corey looked snappy (Steve Buscemi snappy, yes), Jed totally should have brought his date, collin was sporting his new cutoffs of the classic large-hole-in-the-knee pants, Gaelyn break-danced (broke-dance?) for me.. so that was some crazy fun... well after that, they all went to prom and the rest of us just sort of.. hung out on the square... Moschak came along and brought Owen.. who was very creepy and quite annoying.. He kneed me in the face, too.. my nose still hurts, that bastard...
So we waited until the parade started, then went and talked to people in Jed-car (oh that lee muntz and his crazy "how many can you fit into a volkswagon?" joke!), and the Ann-float... I probably got a bit annoying on that, so.. sorry about that, but i was just trying to have a bit of fun... JonnyP seemed cool from the.. 2 minutes i was near him... After that sucked.. Collin, Evan, and I eventually caved in and decided to go to Tiffany's... we met up with Tiffany and Michelle and Tiffany snuck into After-prom while the rest of us went to her house.. alex, davey, and talon were there... we sat around for a while, and davey was determined to get chocolate milk, while michelle needed a ride to her dad's, and alex said he would come back and then we would all go to Gemma's..
Well I waited. and waited. and waited. Evan fell asleep. Finally, after like.. 45 minutes, they came back. Apparently, they forgot about me. Wow, thanks guys. But it turns out that Gemma didn't let them into the party anyways because they didn't go to prom.. I dont know the details, but it sounds like complete bullshit. Well, I just got a ride home from tiffany then.. had to wake up early on sunday for practice, had goldfish thrown at my face from 20 feet above as i collapse on the ground... spent the rest of the day feeling like shit...
So... yeah. Life sure is interesting.
(0) commentsHellboy? Hell yeah!
So I've been following Hellboy for about a year, and.. damn. Just as good as I thought it would be. I've read a few of the comics - well, some of the shorter runs, at least - and I loved them. The movie lived up to my expectations completely (although the beginning WWII scenes.. could have been done better - a bit cheesy). Good stuff.
Weekend was okay.. pretty boring. Friday yeilded some good moments after the hour of midnight, but other than that, a bit boring. Today was okay/pretty good, and saturday was shit, aside from Hellboy. But.. oh well.
Bastard Rodney and his indecisivness!
(0) commentsEverybody do the wabazoo!
Bored enough, might as well post. Nothing really much I care to say right now apart from the general update on my life.
First and foremost, I went to allstate individuals monday. First time I've missed a day of school all year, which was weird. Having to ask teachers "what did we do yesterday" and such. But.. allstate was pretty fun. My performance was okay.. the beginning and ending were slow, but most of the middle was probably the best I've ever done it.. with exceptions for a few of Elaine's lines...
I pretty much hung out with Steve, Sam, and Gabriel all day. Michael tagged along (damn me for jinxing it by calling him annoying to my mom, then her telling me to be nice) the whole time, and we only successfully lost him twice. He was pretty annoying, but we got to just "be quiet, we're talking" a few times. Oh well. Fun with the others. Steve and I tried to hunt for ladies, but.. unfortunately the pickings were slim. We ended up meeting up with the Lynn chick from State... she was pretty cool. So was that Josh guy. Aside from that, didn't really meet any other people.
After that I had to go straight to Spayde for another audition for Rodney.. I nearly got shafted this time, though.. The other two times I read only shakespeare, and i pretty much sucked, and this time the only thing he had me read was this character with a cockney accent, and.. had me do the accent. I can barely do british, let alone cockney. So that sucked. Luckily he pulled me aside later and had me read for one part... Supposedly he really liked me in it. Here's to hoping.
Jenny's party on saturday was pretty nice. They didn't really plan anything out, so for what it was, it was great. I showed up with Kelsey and then pretty much hung around with Talon, Davey when he was being anti-social, and evan when he was being anti-social. The stupid twizzler game went on way too long, and they totally should have used Chris' rule. I tried to get it in use by saying id heard of it, but.. :( oh well... corey was great it in, and... Davey.. you totally took the cake. You are my hero.
The park was okay, but only about half the people played tag... at the beginning it was really fun, but people kept quitting, so.. yeah. After that, it got a bit boring, but when we went back and played trivial persuit, i dont know.. that was just kind of fun.
Goodbye, for now, Jenny. Have a great time, see you in a few months :D
I have no clue what I did friday night. Maybe it was fun. Who knows?
The Quinn movie script is coming along nicely. Funny stuff, in there. Hopefully we'll continue with the same level of funny.
Life is pretty okay. Well, for now. Seems to fluxuate every week :(