


Everybody do the wabazoo!

Bored enough, might as well post. Nothing really much I care to say right now apart from the general update on my life.

First and foremost, I went to allstate individuals monday. First time I've missed a day of school all year, which was weird. Having to ask teachers "what did we do yesterday" and such. But.. allstate was pretty fun. My performance was okay.. the beginning and ending were slow, but most of the middle was probably the best I've ever done it.. with exceptions for a few of Elaine's lines...

I pretty much hung out with Steve, Sam, and Gabriel all day. Michael tagged along (damn me for jinxing it by calling him annoying to my mom, then her telling me to be nice) the whole time, and we only successfully lost him twice. He was pretty annoying, but we got to just "be quiet, we're talking" a few times. Oh well. Fun with the others. Steve and I tried to hunt for ladies, but.. unfortunately the pickings were slim. We ended up meeting up with the Lynn chick from State... she was pretty cool. So was that Josh guy. Aside from that, didn't really meet any other people.

After that I had to go straight to Spayde for another audition for Rodney.. I nearly got shafted this time, though.. The other two times I read only shakespeare, and i pretty much sucked, and this time the only thing he had me read was this character with a cockney accent, and.. had me do the accent. I can barely do british, let alone cockney. So that sucked. Luckily he pulled me aside later and had me read for one part... Supposedly he really liked me in it. Here's to hoping.

Jenny's party on saturday was pretty nice. They didn't really plan anything out, so for what it was, it was great. I showed up with Kelsey and then pretty much hung around with Talon, Davey when he was being anti-social, and evan when he was being anti-social. The stupid twizzler game went on way too long, and they totally should have used Chris' rule. I tried to get it in use by saying id heard of it, but.. :( oh well... corey was great it in, and... Davey.. you totally took the cake. You are my hero.

The park was okay, but only about half the people played tag... at the beginning it was really fun, but people kept quitting, so.. yeah. After that, it got a bit boring, but when we went back and played trivial persuit, i dont know.. that was just kind of fun.

Goodbye, for now, Jenny. Have a great time, see you in a few months :D

I have no clue what I did friday night. Maybe it was fun. Who knows?

The Quinn movie script is coming along nicely. Funny stuff, in there. Hopefully we'll continue with the same level of funny.

Life is pretty okay. Well, for now. Seems to fluxuate every week :(

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