


Most anticipated movies of 2004:

1. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Goddamn this looks great.. pure pulp sci-fi fun.

2. The Life Aquatic
Wes Anderson :')

3. Garden State

I watched the trailer for this about 10 times the first time I saw it.. I stared at the screen openmouthed the whole time. Amazing.

4. I (heart) Huckabees
Why did nobody tell me about this? I saw Corey's MSN name as the title one time, but I hadn't heard of the movie till a few days ago. Just checked out the trailer and it looks awesome.

5. The Incredibles
Pixar :')

6. Hero
Have you seen the previews? Plus it's got the indorsement of Tarintino, which is always a plus in my book. I've heard amazing things.

7. Team America: World Police
Though I'm not a big fan of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker are still both fucking hilarious. Big, action movie parody fun.

8. Alexander
Why not? Preview looked pretty good, great story, heard good things.

Most anticipated movies of 2005:

1. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Yeah, it'll probably suck. By all measures of probability, it'll be just as bad as the last two. But you know what? Fuck you.

2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
This movie seems to be in the right hands. I'm not crazy about Martin Freeman as Arthur, but he's not a bad choice. I'm extremely sceptical on Mos Def as Ford (give us Jeff Goldblum! He was Adams' own choice, and he'd be perfect). Marvin looks a bit.. short and cartoony. Zooey's great as Trillian, Rockwell is perfect as Zaphod (though I'm not crazy about the long hair). Kinda sceptical of Malkovitch and his new character.. But other than that.. sounds like it'll be great. Douglas Adams :')

3. Batman Begins
Batman. Christopher Nolan. Christian Bale. Gary Oldman. Written by David Goyer. Hot.

4. Sin City
Never read the comic, but it looks amazing. It seems to be on the road to be both an amazing noir voilence-fest and the greatest comic adaptation of all time. Seems to have the right people behind it. Plus the guest-directed segment by Tarintino is an extra.

5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Tim Burton doing Dahl? Genius. The only way it could be better in my mind is either if Gene Wilder were still young and acting (well, he's in something next year - i thought he retired?) to be Wonka (though Depp is a great choice), or it was done in stop motion ala Nightmare Before Christmas. Let's hope Burton does amazing stuff with this.

6. The Corpse Bride
Burton + stop motion = love. Not too much is known about this, but it's still high up there for me.

7. Fantastic Four
I'm not crazy about the cast. Or the script, or.. well, too much about this project. But.. it's Fantastic Four. On the big screen. Hopefully it'll work out.

8. King Kong
Peter Jackson making his lovechild. He loves the source. He's Peter Jackson. It's King Kong. What could go wrong?

9. War of the Worlds
Spielberg making War of the Worlds? Sounds too good to be true. Tom Cruise starring? Sounds... terrible. This is supposed to be in Victorean London, folks. See Tom Cruise putting on a english accent? No. See Spielberg keeping it period? No. See Spielberg american-izing it? Yes. See it being a fantastic summer action movie? Yes.

10. Pirates of the Carribean 2
First one was great. Same people on the second one. Good stuff.

11. 3001
Next from our good friend Mike Judge (Office Space, mothafuckas :D). Man awakes in a dumbed-down society in the year 3001. Looks to be hilarious Mike Judge-ness, great social commentary.

12. The Fountain
Darren Aronofsky. The fountain of youth story spanning centures. Sounds epic, well directed :D

Don't think I've left anything important out. Inform me if i have :D

*feeling bad for the lack of comments*

however, you have reawakened my excitement for movies again. some of these look to exude wonderlust in my general direction.
Dude, i cant believe i forgot Garden State.. going to have to add it.
I just saw Garden State, and I loved it. See it soon.
I stole a reel of Batman Begins from the studio, really good stuff. Just talk to me sometime and we can watch it.
happiness happiness happiness happiness
happiness happiness happiness happiness
happiness happy Wes Anderson happiness
happiness happiness happiness happiness
happiness happiness happiness happiness

I've got so much happiness with Wes Anderson right in the middle. Plus Bill Murray. A God. I just watched the trailer(would've watched it sooner, but vacationing got in the way). And hell, yeah! My faith in God has just been reaffirmed.

You may wonder why I don't have a girlfriend or any female in my life.
It's because I have so much love for Wes Anderson that there's none left over for puny insignificant females.

You may wonder why I don't do drugs or partake in the alcohol of life.
It's because I get so high and drunk off the awesome cinema of Wes Anderson that nothing else would be able to compare.

You may wonder why I'm such a loser.
See above statements and fuck off.

I can't wait. I can't wait.

This ranks higher than SKY CAPTAIN in my book. But then I'm not as much of a dork as you. :)

wait...yes, i am in my own way.

Sky Captain is #2 most anticipated for me.
What would be the scientific purpose of killing it?


Can't stop watching this goshdarn trailer.

You just smile and act natural then you sucker punch them.
oh, carrie, you're just saying that because he mentioned Gary Oldman.
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