


Come with me, and we'll be, in a world of pure imagination

If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.
Anything you want to, do it.
Want to change the world? There's nothing to it.
There is no life I know, to compare with pure imagination...

It's such an amazing song. Gene Wilder is god.. unfortunately, the movie sucked. Here's hoping for Burton to translate it beautifully.

actually, the movie didn't completely suck
"actually, the movie didn't completely suck"

whoopsie there, corey.. i think you made a typo.. what's that "n't" doing in there? ;)
unfourtunately, i have a gigantic penis that gets in the way of me actually seeing anything besides my gigantic penis
Unforunately, Corey's giant penis gets in the way of me seeing anything other than Corey's giant penis.

(this is Evan)
Things really get bothersome when the Slechtas go on vacation.

Is the word obsolete unecessary, or is the word unecessary obsolete?
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