


The more you talk, the more I want to know...

Let's go down to the east river and throw something in
Something we can't live without, and then let's, let's start again...

Ani is just such an amazing singer/songwriter.. makes for an amazing mood. anyway.

I'm going to have to see Kill Bill Vol. 2 sometime soon..

Collin and I finished the script for the movie the other day, hopefully we'll get preproduction really moving after this weekend. Or if he has the camera tomorrow, then sunday. Hopefully.

Man, I wish I had more wheat thins..

My dad has this goddamn gigantic flag hanging in front of the house. I've asked him to take it down, in a sort-of joking manner.. It bothers me. I know it shouldn't. I know it doesn't reflect on me, it makes no political message from my standpoint, but.. I don't want someone to see that and think that I'm supporting america right now. In fact, I'd go and take it down and put it in my dad's room if I didn't know that it was his father's flag laid across the casket at his military funeral. So I don't want to do any disrespectful action..
Are you sure you don't want to support America or you don't want to support the leaders? I'm hoping it's the latter.
Theres some fucked up stuff going on in Washington that I really don't agree with. It doesn't mean I don't like the USA. I enjoy living here and despite our problems I think we're all doing ok.
It is indeed the latter. When I refer to the USA in such a sense, it generally refers to the government.. either that or a large majority of the population, and in this case.. i think both apply.
is it just me or does Michael Moore bear a strange resemblence to Dom DeLuise?

maybe it's that they are both fat and whiney

michael moore looks more like after he's done bitching about america, he'd just like to fish and fuck a moose

dom deluise looks he's just got done fucking a moose or he's still fucking a moose, he just needed to take a break or he fucked a magic moose and now he's having amazing moose orgasms at all times

anyway, if anyone's interested i've got some great George W and Dick Cheney porn. they don't call him the VICE president for nuthin' let me tell you.
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