


Yep, that's some really fucking great judgement, there....

So.. That was Spring Break '04.

Mine was pretty low-key, nice and calm. I suppose if I had my way I would have liked to have done more, had it be a bit more exciting, but it certainly wasn't boring. I got out every day, which is good because if I hadn't.. well, I have no ending to that sentence.Had some fun times with quite a few people, though nothing really exceptional. But deffinately fun. The fun times were very fun, but everything else.. well, I also had many an hour of sitting and staring at the wall.

People suck, a lot of the time. Currently 6 specific individuals (I started out typing 3, and the number just kept going up. But you're probably in the list. Really), but for wide and varied reasons. I'm trying not to let them get to me, and I'm doing an okay job at it, but.. only time will tell. And it's kind of hard when one of them is me.. anyway..

It gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say, gets me real pissed off and it makes me wanna say, gets me real pissed off and it makes me wanna say.......

People's immature, irresponsible, and just plain fucking stupid decisions make just want to fucking yell "WAKE UP", I mean.. christ.. how can some people not see what they're doing to themselves? But it's not like I'm going to say anything, because.. well I guess its because they wouldn't listen. You can have my sympathy, you can have my understanding, but you will never have my support. AAAgh...!! I need a paper journal just to write all this stuff out... I should just calm down and let people be who they are and not try to be a moral crusader, but with some people...

Anyway... I just wish something would happen. But I'm not ready to make anything happen in any aspect of my life, and I can't use other people as my crutch.. eh..

I have no idea where I'm going with this. Hope you all had a nice spring break.
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