


Well, I doubt any of you are, but I'm a really big Batman fan, and yesterday I learned about an independant Batman short which is premiering at Comicon today. There is a lot of hype around this project, and it's supposedly godly.. Batman done the way it should have been from the beginning. No sculpted rubber nipple suit, no fucking big hollywood stars with tinyass builds that couldn't convince me for a second that they spent half their life learning fighting styles and working out. No fucking (sorry, Sam) old actor with a bad smile and cheek makeup. Nicholson just wasn't right for the part. But this man.. Oh god.. And this movie is supposedly dark. As dark as Batman should be. The story is Batman confronting the Joker in an alleyway in the rain, with some sort of suprise element that will give you a geekgasm. And now for the pictures.. (sorry to 56kers)

OHGOD... and apparently it could be on the internet as soon as tomorrow morning. Too bad it's only 8 minutes long though :(

But this isn't just some fanfilm. This is made by a real director with real crew. Real budget, real sets. Its a real movie. The only thing they don't have is a lisence for the Batman franchise.
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