


He sighed, and they all took it wrong

It's amazing, amazing, how the things people say and what they do are completely different, even though they mean it. And I'm pretty sure she did. I think. It's the little things like this that start breaking your spirt. Little by little they just start tearing tiny parts of your life apart without even realizing it. Its fantastic. It's just the little things. Dozens, and dozens of them that don't mean anything on their own. But they start adding up. And adding, and adding, and soon enough you can't convince yourself that it's just a small little thing that doesn't matter, and that their motives are completely harmless and it starts eating at you.. It really makes me want to give up...

I don't really have much else I want to write about now.. I saw Erin up at the mall. Don't think she saw me. I wish she had, just so I could have seen what she would have done. If she would have talked to me I could finally relax about all of that. Eh, just something for the future to think about.

Just GUESS who Mr. Grey is. I bet you can get it first try.
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